Admission Process
The SAIS admissions policy reflects our all-inclusive philosophy and we are happy to consider applications from any child of school age. The procedure to be followed in considering an application depends very much on the stage the child has reached in their education but whatever the age of the child, before offering a place we need to know the child’s previous educational background and know how well he or she will be suited to the programme we offer at SAIS.
As is the practice in most schools which follow the British system, children at SAIS are placed in a year group according to their age.However, we appreciate that children join SAIS from different backgrounds and circumstances and, in exceptional cases a child will be placed in a different year group than their age warrants. All applicants are normally interviewed by the head teacher or deputy head prior to the offer of a place and their decision regarding placement of a child will be final.

Campus Visit

If you are considering bringing your child to SAIS, please do come and visit together with your child and view the facilities for yourselves. We can arrange a tour of the site during school hours, accompanied by student guides who will be happy to answer any questions.
We also encourage parents who are thinking about choosing St Augustine International School to let their children join a class for a day to experience the school for themselves. This can easily be arranged by contacting the school, by phone, e-mail or personal visit.